Generate leads online with Votion. What is the most important goal of a B2B content marketer to create content for their users? Why is there a need for them to keep creating content on regular basis to educate their users and keep them engaged on their content? The answer: To generate leads online through content.
According to 2016 Benchmark Report by Content Marketing Institute, 85% of the B2B marketer surveyed say thatgenerating leads online through their content is their most important goal in 2016. Creating brand awareness, sales, lead nurturing and engagement are also very important aspects of creating content, but lead generation is most important, as marketers need qualified leads to drive their sales and nurture their leads.
Although content marketing is great at generating leads, it only sees roughly a 6-12% conversion rate. Interactive content marketing strategies such as Quizzes, Polls, & Brackets are even better at lead generation than content marketing. According to Demand Metric, interactive content generates conversions moderately or very well 70% of the time, compared to just 36% for passive content. The other very important aspect of creating interactive content is that it is a two way communication process that allows your users to interact with your content, tell you their views and preferences, and creates more engagement leading your users to want more of your content while buiding more trust wtih them.
Marketers also spend a huge chunk of money on lead generation. 74% of marketers spend more than $50 per lead, with 5% spending more than $1,000 per lead. Interactive content is a cost effective way to drive more quality leads online, quickly.
Here are 2 Votion client campaigns that show how interactive content is superior in generating online leads and at driving 2-3x the conversion rate through highly engaging campaigns:
- M&M Meat Shop’s Madness : M&M Meats, one of the largest frozen food store chains in Canada, teamed up with Votion to create a bracket voting contest called the “M&M Meat Shop’s Madness.” The idea was that their audience could vote for their favorite food from M&M Meat shops and win a prize in sweepstakes format. The campaign had a registration form where users had to give their email address, create a user name, and add other information before they could vote. The results were magnificent! Within 5 days of running the campaign, M&M Meats were able to generate more than 2,300 qualified leads online, leading to a conversion rate of 39%, and surpassing their campaign goals by 130%.
- Pearl Jam Madness: As one of the biggest rock bands in the world, Pearl Jam wanted to create a buzz for their upcoming tour and drive engagement with their fans. They partnered with Spotify to sponsor their campaign. As part of the sponsorship, email addresses were captured in a seamless manner through a simple registration form enabling Spotify plays within the bracket. Tapping into the excitement of the NCAA tournament bracket, Pearl Jam and Spotify partnered with Votion to create a bracket voting campaign called “Pearl Jam Madness”, where users could predict and vote for their favorite Pearl Jam song. The results were incredible! Hundreds of thousands of votes, thousands of email sign ups, 29% month over month increase in overall Pearl Jam Spotify streams, and a 50% increase in Spotify streams of the songs included in the bracket were seen. Wow!
These two case studies show the power of interactive content in order to generate leads and drive engagement to your campaign. Marketers can generate more relevant leads by creating interactive content that is not only easy to create but also very useful at educating buyers in a fun and exciting way. If you want quality leads, then make your content great and more interactive, and visitors will gladly fill out your lead forms and engage with your content.
Votion provides you with tools to easily create interactive content that your audience cares about. inspire them to learn and engage more with your content! Votion can help you generate leads faster and increase your conversion rates.